A NOW New Year

 In Life

A few weeks ago, a friend invited me to an end-of-the-year ladies gathering in which we would all pick a word for 2016. This word would become a theme of sorts for the year and would sum up goals you hoped to achieve, fears you wished to overcome, and dreams you planned to pursue. I prayerfully considered my word. I didn’t want to be stuck with something that set me up for a crummy year! As I prayed, the word that came to me was this:


The truth is that I’ve known for a while some things I should be doing, but it’s been super easy to stall and blame my hectic schedule or needy toddler for a lack of actual development on those dream pursuits. And those things really are valid! But the other truth is that if I want to get things done, I’ll get things done. Period. Busy life or not, I find time and energy to do the things that really matter to me.

So NOW is the time to do those things which I feel the Lord has been asking me to do for a while. I want to remember this word and when I find myself asking “When should I do this” or “When should I start working on that?” I want to respond with a resounding NOW from my soul. Now is the time!

I also wanted to find a verse of Scripture that would support this mantra, and I stumbled upon this in my search:

“Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in the Spirit and in truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks.”

– John 4:23

Now is not just the time to DO, but to know God and to love God and to serve Him and to worship Him! This earth is practically groaning for the hope that we already have and we wait and procrastinate and make excuses. But the time is NOW! Worship Him now, obey Him now, and work towards those goals NOW!

Join me as I make 2016 a year of NOW!

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