London Reflections: Adventure, Inspiration, and Reality
Last week I had the amazing privilege of jumping across the pond for a 5-day trip to England with one of my dearest friends in the entire world. From the time our plane landed we were in GO mode. We’d leave our hotel early in the morning and not return until late at night, exhausted but exhilarated by all we’d seen and experienced. If you’ve ever traveled to another country, you’ll relate to that surreal feeling that I kept encountering. You know, that “Is this really real?” sensation. It’s like one moment I was home in Florida changing diapers and the next I was on a double-decker bus riding through London seeing things with my own eyes that I had only ever seen in pictures or movies. Surreal.
I did try to take some time to reflect on God, life, and love while I was there. I came up with a few thoughts that I’d like to share with you guys today:
• It’s a small world after all. No, seriously. I think when I was getting ready to leave the country I got nervous about leaving my comfort zone and familiarity. But when I arrived in England, I realized that no matter where you go, people are people. Sure, there are things that make us different, but there are some things that are funny to everyone. Likewise, there are some things that are concerning to everyone, and angering to everyone. The point being that at the end of the day, cultural differences aside, we’re all still people. That’s a really beautiful thing.
• Not everyone knows Him. This is something that really struck me. I know that not all of the world is as immersed in Christianity as my sphere is, but Europe is truly a different Spiritual climate altogether. I missed God when I was there. He was with me, of course, but I missed the joy and intimacy of being able to relate that part of my life with those around me. So many people there are just so unconcerned with the state of their Spiritual life and it was grieving and challenging all at the same time. Who will tell them? Maybe it’s supposed to be me. Maybe it’s supposed to be you!
• Breaking our comfort zones is important. I know a trip to another country sounds like a dream to many of you, but for me, it was actually very much something that forced me into a lot of things that make me somewhat uncomfortable. Leaving my kids and husband is hard for me. Getting on an international flight is hard for me. Leaving my routine is hard for me. But there is so much beauty and inspiration and next-level experience to be had on the other side of our comfort zones. We’ll never know that until we jump past them. If I truly want to experience a limitless year, I have to do things that make me uncomfortable. Many times it turns out so much more amazing than I ever could even imagine.
I’m excited for my next adventure. This trip taught me that I can go a lot further than my mind limitations want me to believe I can. There is beauty to be seen in the world and I beauty I can bring to the world. It starts with that first step. Don’t assume that because it brings you discomfort that it’s meant to be skipped. Many times, the exact opposite is true and getting a little uncomfortable is just what we need to break through to our next level.