The Key To Open Doors
Yesterday I had the privilege of speaking to two separate 8th grade classes at Turkey Creek Middle School in Plant City, FL. I had been asked to come share about my career as a blogger and songwriter. Let me confess something right from the start here: when I first got this request, I was petrified. Two classes of 8th graders??? Few things seemed scarier or more daunting to me. Being the strong woman that I am, though, I went and did the courageous thing upon deciding to accept…I bought bags and bags of candy to bring with me in hopes of earning their favor through sugar, should I bomb in actual presentation.
Turns out my fears were for naught, though. These students were open and funny and incredibly spirited. They were a really fun and honest audience, and I found myself challenged by them. As I looked around the room, I felt the urge to impress upon them the incredible importance of doing your best in all things. “Want to know the secret to open doors of opportunity?” I asked. “Do good in all you do. People will notice and opportunities will come.”
As I reflected upon that later within myself, I realized that this principle doesn’t just apply to rising students. This applies to all of us. We struggle with contentment so often, and yet, do we stop and think if we are giving full effort to the things we are currently entrusted with? For instance, you may not love your job, and, as such, you may give only 50% to your work, figuring it doesn’t matter anyway. But it does matter. Even outside of the idea that as Christians we should do all things as unto Christ Himself (Colossians 3:23), is just the simple fact that you find favor and open doors when you do good.
Take inspiration from a group of 13 year olds today. If you were me, you would probably have told them the same thing about hard work. Now, take that same mantra and bring it into your own life. Do good in all you do! You may be surprised as the doors of opportunity begin to fly open as a result.