LMKTM: Through the praise of children.
Yesterday in my daily Bible reading (still going strong on the read-through-the-Bible-in-one-year plan!), I came across a verse that just blew me away. Check it out:
Through the praise of children and infants
you have established a strongholdagainst your enemies,
to silence the foe and the avenger.– Psalm 8:2
I love watching my older son Joey in his praise and worship. He is tentative at first, experimentally lifting his hands as if to test the waters, and then diving further in as long lashes flutter closed in focus. It’s breathtaking in it’s purity and simplicity. He is reaching out to God in his own way – free of pretense, religious hangups, or cynicism. He’s simply praising His God.
This verse just shatters me in it’s profound truth. Through the simple praises of little ones, God can silence our foes and enemies. WOW. If that’s not a challenge to de-clutter the complexity of your heart and mind, I don’t know what is. When you next get before God in worship, keep it simple. Think of a child’s earnest simplicity and try to emulate that same purity of heart.
Let’s learn something from our kids today. We may just silence some of our enemies in the process.