Keep Praying!
I have to tell you all that I am absolutely encouraged by the power of prayer lately. I keep a list in my journal of the things that I am currently praying for, and it’s amazing to me to see God work in just how He answers each of those requests. And He does answer each request. It may not come immediately – there are some things on my list that have been there for a year or more – and it may not come in the form I would have originally liked or intended to see it answered, but it will eventually get answered.
If you are praying for something, take the time to organize your thoughts out in written form. Why? Because it’s easy to pray verbally, get an answer, quickly thank God, and never think about it again. But when you have written those requests down and you feel the excitement of getting to literally cross something off your list, it’s impossible to forget what God has done. It stands there as a memorial and a testament to answered prayer. Simply put, it will encourage your prayer life and your faith.
Even if you’re prayed for something 100 times, make today 101. God is still answering prayer. Keep praying!