Know the Word
“Your word I have hidden in my heart, that I might not sin against You.” – Psalm 119:11
I love this verse of Scripture. I have had it underlined in my Bible since my middle school years, as it was one of our first memorization assignments. It speaks so much in just those few words. First, the idea that God’s word is to be hidden in our hearts. We need to know it, to have it memorized, to live by it. Second, that when God’s word is in our hearts, it keeps us from sinning against Him. When we treasure the truths of His Scriptures, it serves as motivation to do the right thing and live accordingly. It is harder, in other words, to sin, when our hearts are bursting full of God’s words.
There is a subtle implication here, though – a principle which we are urged to follow. I see another example of it in John:
“But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all the things that I said to you.” – John 14:26
Jesus tells us here that the Holy Spirit (our Helper), will bring to our remembrance all the things that Jesus said (His word, the Scriptures). He says the Holy Spirit will teach us and help us, much like the verse above implies. But the implication shines through here, as well. Do you see it?
How can the Holy Spirit bring something to our remembrance that we don’t know to begin with? How can Scripture help us to not sin against God if it’s not hidden in our hearts at all?
The implication here is clear: we must know the word. There are countless benefits that accompany a wide knowledge of Scripture, and yet, we forfeit them all when we don’t take the time to build that base to begin with. Our command is clear and simple: know the word. It will help us and teach us, but first, we must know it. Don’t wait. Dig in today and get to know God through His precious words. They are life and help and strength to us.