A Burden Transfer

 In God, The Word

Life can be heavy. As someone who serves in ministry, I know all-too-well, that things are continually happening in the lives of those around us that would make you drop your jaw in shock, sadness, and sympathy. I’ve walked through some of those seemingly inexplicable things myself. Bottom line: life can be heavy.

With the general consensus being that we’re all going to face some hard things in this lifetime, why on earth would we unnecessarily add to our already heavy loads? Don’t think you do that? Let me tell you, I am fairly confident that, intentional or not, you may be taking some completely unnecessary weight upon yourself and adding it to your load. The way we do that is by carrying burdens we were never meant to carry. What are those? All the things that God wants to carry for us.


Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from Me, from I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”

– Matthew 11: 28-30


This morning in my prayer time with God, I felt such a sense of heaviness. My shoulders literally sagged under the weight of the many things I am facing right now. And suddenly, in a moment of clarity, I felt the urge to physically move my arms and lift this proverbial load off my shoulders and hand it to God. Why should I be carrying things that are surely too large for me and will crush me in time with their weight? God is with me, waiting and wanting to take my load and make it lighter. I’d be a fool not to let Him!

Today, do a burden transfer. Get before Him in prayer and admit the things that have been weighing you down. Then, leave them with Him. Allow Him to carry those things for you and lift them off your shoulders. You’ll feel freedom that you haven’t felt in a while, simply because you’ve taken the time to surrender something that is His anyway. Let’s let Him do what He does best and carry us.

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