Inspiration: Jason Burns

 In Inspiration

Fridays are going to be “Inspiration Days” around here. Each week I’ll highlight something or someone that I’ve been able to draw inspiration from. It may be a book, a passage of Scripture, a song, a piece of art, etc, but I couldn’t start this series more appropriately than to talk about the love of my life: Jason Burns.

From the first time I met Jason, he fascinated me and left me extremely impressed. His determination, hard work, passion for God’s calling on His life, and creativity just blew me away. Okay, so it didn’t hurt that I found him really, really handsome, but hey! I was just a giggling 20 year old who couldn’t help but notice!


Jason is the most diligent and dedicated man I know. He never gives anything less than 100%. He works hard in everything he does. His standard of excellence and perfection is so inscrutable that it sometimes drives me crazy! And yet, he inspires and challenges me to bring that same level of diligence to everything I set my hand to. His love for God’s word is infectious, and the way he pastors the people of Access Church is so incredibly passionate and moving. He is living his dream as he forges through the challenges of church-planting with beauty and with grace, and I am honored to stand by his side in this calling.

His love for me is inspiring. When we had been married a mere six months, he was called upon to make good of his vow to love “in sickness and in health.” I watched him stand by me through six months of chemotherapy treatments that left us both tired, weak, and broken. Yet he never wavered in his unfailing love and support. I cannot imagine that he had pictured having to be married to a pale, bald, sickly wife, let alone so soon after our wedding, but you would have never noticed any doubts that he had as he took care of me day in and day out. He slept on uncomfortable, tiny hospital couches and chairs so that I never had to spend a night alone while getting my treatments. He accompanied me to blood transfusions, doctor’s visits, and CT scans. He was a rock. I don’t even have the words to describe the level of character it takes to do all that he did during that first crazy/beautiful year of marriage. He is beyond inspiring.

For the past three years, I have watched him with our kids, and it is just breathtaking. He is the most patient, kind, loving father I could have ever prayed to raise children with. He genuinely loves our boys, and it makes him glow to be around them. There is no way to fake the kind of excitement he has for all things fatherhood. He is the first one to step in to change diapers, give baths, wipe noses, or comfort tiny quivering lips. He inspires me to be better in the way I parent.

I love this man. He is my husband, my pastor, and my best friend. He is an inspiration to me.


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