Looking Back, Moving Forward
The last day of 2013 is here! What did you do this year?
Something I like to do each year is keep a list of all the things we did – experiences we had, movies we saw, etc. This morning, Jason and I read through our 2013 list and shared so many smiles thinking back on a truly sweet year. There were big things – a family vacation or big ministry milestones – and small things – a family movie or picnic – but all of them were precious because they were things we did together.
In looking forward, it is with extreme awe and wonder that I’d like to tell you that I am expecting a baby in July of 2014. Those of you who have followed my blog know of our painful loss in 2012 and how it is with no small amount of prayer and fasting that we came to the decision to try for another baby. God is gracious and God restores.
As I think of all the change and joy 2014 will bring, I am challenged to cling close to Christ’s side. With any transition, we can take comfort in knowing that God is the same yesterday, today, and forever (Hebrews 13:8). We may not be able to see very far into the future, but He sees it all. Nothing that can come across our paths is a surprise to Him. He sees, He knows. Thank you, Lord!
Happy New Year, precious readers! I can’t wait to do life with you in 2014!