I’m a Survivor: Part IV: Celebrating and Looking Back
Today is my six year anniversary of being declared cancer-free! I am so humbled, overwhelmed, thankful, and amazed when I think about all God has done in my life as a result of my journey with cancer. I felt led today to share something with you all. I have really NEVER shown pics of myself bald to anyone. I don’t know quite why. I guess I was just a bit…embarrassed. I was recently challenged, though, by a beautiful 19 year old girl named Brittany. She is living in Orlando and going through her own treatment for cancer. She is just so strong, so beautiful, so inspiring. I felt ashamed of my shame, and decided that I would share my own pics with you all at some point. And what better day than today? Today I celebrate God’s faithfulness to me and my family. Today I praise Him for healing me – body, mind, and soul. Today I look at my two gorgeous sons and fall to my knees in gratitude that I am able to be their mom.
God, to You be all glory, honor, and praise! My life is Yours. I love You.