Take A Look Around

 In God, Life

If you were to walk into my husband’s office, you would find that my kids and I are constantly present. Do we spend our days sitting in front of him, watching him as he works? No. But we are present, nonetheless. Not through our physical presence, but through pictures, cards, handmade crafts and gifts scattered all throughout the office space. We may not be able to be there every day in person, but we are there through reminders of our places in Jason’s life.

God is the same way with us. Even when we feel like we are a thousand miles away from Him, He is a lot close than we can sometimes see. What if He had placed reminders of Himself all around us, but it was we who were missing Him?

I’d like to suggest to you that He has done exactly that. Look around you. What do you see? Is it raining? Do you see your kids, your family? Is your pet hounding you for attention? Could it be that God uses all of these things to speak to us and remind us of His all-knowing presence in our lives?

In the rain, could it be a reminder that God Himself controls our world and causes the plants to grow that bring us sustenance? In my kids, do I see the promise of life after heartache, when I begged God to help me past a difficult time? Even in my dear old dog Winston, do I see a reminder of a God who used that silly old mutt to show me His ability to give me my heart’s desires?

God goes out of His way to surround us with reminders of His presence and faithfulness in our lives. We simply need a perception shift to begin to notice them. Today, pray that God would open your eyes to see Him all around you. You may just be surprised to notice that He’s a lot more present than you originally thought.

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